Participant-directed services are Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) that help people of all ages, across all types of disabilities, maintain their independence and determine for themselves what mix of personal assistance supports and services work best for them. Participant direction empowers each member to expand their degree of choice and control over decisions made about their long-term services and supports in a highly personalized manner.
News and Announcements
2023-2024 Requests for Proposals (RFP)
In late 2023, the Department of Health Care Policy and Financing (HCPF) solicited competitive, responsive proposals from experienced and financially sound organizations to perform as a Financial Management Services (FMS) contractor for CDASS participants and as a Training & Support contractor for CDASS and IHSS participants, Case Management Agencies, and IHSS provider agencies.
- HCPF sought three contractors to provide fiscal and administrative services
- HCPF sought one contractor to provide training, operations, and information and assistance services
- Awarded contractors will have contracts starting July 1, 2024
The awarded contractors are:
- Consumer Direct for Colorado was awarded the Training and Support contract, which is a continuation of its current role.
- Palco, Inc. and Public Partnerships LLC were awarded contracts for FMS providers, also continuing in their current roles.
- HCPF will continue to pursue a third FMS provider to give members additional options.
HCPF Informational Memo 24-003 provides more information about these awarded contracts and the transition into a new contract cycle.
Community First Choice
In State Fiscal Year 2025-2026 HCPF will expand the population that receives CDASS and IHSS under the Community First Choice (CFC) initiative. Visit CFC web page.
Stakeholder Opportunities
Note: All Office of Community Living stakeholder meeting information is located on the Office of Community Living Stakeholder Engagement Calendar
- Participant-Directed Programs Policy Collaborative (PDPPC)
- The PDPPC is a collaboration between stakeholders and HCPF, focusing on issues related to Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) and In-Home Support Services (IHSS).
- Every month on the 4th Wednesday from 1 to 4 p.m. MT
- November and December meetings occur on the 3rd Wednesday
- The PDPPC is a collaboration between stakeholders and HCPF, focusing on issues related to Consumer-Directed Attendant Support Services (CDASS) and In-Home Support Services (IHSS).
- Community First Choice Stakeholder Meetings
- Visit the CFC website for more information
- Visit the CFC website for more information
- IHSS Subcommittee
- This subcommittee meets in a dedicated breakout room during each PDPPC meeting. See the PDPPC meeting information above.
- This subcommittee meets in a dedicated breakout room during each PDPPC meeting. See the PDPPC meeting information above.
- Utilization Review/Utilization Management (UR/UM) Subcommittee
- This subcommittee is not currently meeting. Updates on UR/UM occur as needed during PDPPC. See the PDPPC meeting information above.
View more information about HCBS UR/UM
- This subcommittee is not currently meeting. Updates on UR/UM occur as needed during PDPPC. See the PDPPC meeting information above.
Reasonable accommodations for stakeholder engagement will be provided upon request. Please email or the Civil Rights Officer at at least one week prior to the meeting to make arrangements for persons with disabilities. Auxiliary aids and services for individuals with disabilities and language services for individuals whose first language is not English may be provided upon request.
Contact Us
Report Issues or Provide Feedback to the PDP Unit
If you have any issues or feedback related to CDASS or IHSS policies, Electronic Visit Verification (EVV), member enrollment, contractor performance, or other topics you need to escalate to HCPF for help getting a resolution, send your feedback or report your issue through:
- Participant-Directed Programs (PDP) Unit Issues and Feedback Report Form
- Email:
- Call: 303-866-5638
Questions about CDASS or IHSS or want to apply?
- Contact your local Case Management Agency or the Training and Support contractor
Learn about other Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Benefits and Programs